Continue playing until 1 player runs out of cards. Use the new card revealed on your personal pile to find a match with the center card. If you are the first player to spot the matching symbol on both your top card and the center card, place your card on top of the center pile it immediately becomes the new center card. Simultaneously, players flip their entire draw piles over so they are faceup.The remaining cards facedown are dealt as evenly as possible among all the players. There is 1 card faceup in the middle of the table.Object of the Game: To be the first player to get rid of all their cards Continue playing until the draw pile runs out of cards. Now use the new top card on your personal pile to find a match with the new center card. Then the center card goes faceup on top of your flipped card to form a personal pile. Simultaneously, players flip their cards faceup and try to spot the 1 symbol that appears on both the center card and their own card.
The remaining cards go faceup in the middle of the table to form the draw pile. Object of the Game: To collect the most cards